Saving hedgehogs to help the State of Nation

This month I released the young hedgehogs I found in the garden last winter.

 They didn’t know quite what to make of the garden and spent some time sheltered by this log!

 I found two in the garden just before the snows set in and they were so young I decided to hand rear them until they could look after themselves. After asking followers on Facebook what to call them, we chose Milligan and Teasel.

By the end of the day a Facebook follower had brought me another one!

This one was so tiny I had to get special food from the pet shop! I had to weigh it every day to make sure it was putting on weight.

I’m pleased to say all three made it through the winter and are now roaming the garden.
After reading David Attenborough’s report on the State of the Nation, I feel happy to have done something to try to help one of our most endangered species.

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