Any chance of a snow box?


There are days when my wildlife subjects are so utterly disinterested in posing for me!

I’ve had the image in my mind for a while now and I know it will make a cracking painting. Hare’s raised on their hind legs, their front paws flailing as they box furiously; a white, snowy backdrop behind them.
But, although hares don’t restrict this courting display to springtime, I still haven’t captured them on camera. After nearly freezing to death in an attempt last winter, I headed out after the snow fall last week wearing warm camouflage snow gear.
 But although I did see a group of seven hares, with a female at its centre busy rebuffing their advances with swift boxes, when I got close enough for a shot decent enough to paint from a heavy fog descended.

By the time it had cleared the action was over and the hares ready for a rest!!! Read my column in the Malton Gazette & Herald this week for the full story.

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