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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

New original paintings of British wildlife

New original paintings of British wildlife

New original paintings of British wildlife

Welcome to an exclusive preview of my very latest original paintings of wildlife. These original art works are on show at my winter art exhibition in Thixendale until December 2nd. I'm still working at my easel now, please scroll down to see my progress.

Do get in touch if any of the paintings are of interest. Tel: 01759 368355 or email me at mail@robertefuller.comoriginal paintings of wildlife

If you can, do come and see my exhibition. I'm holding it in honour of my gallery's 20th year at Fotherdale Farm in Thixendale. My photographic studies and films of wildlife will be on show alongside my new collection.

Click here for more information about my exhibition.  


Badgers: Two of a Kind

original wildlife paintings badgers Two of a Kind | Click to buy

Original Acrylic Painting | £4,350
Image size: 11" x 15.5" 

Framed size: 26.75" x 23.5"

These two badgers are members of the same clan. One is only a year old whilst the other is an adult female. I placed a number of twisted logs artfully around their sett so that when I photograph these badgers there they are perfectly posed against my props. I then paint directly from my photographs.

Click for more about this painting and to buy

Hare Kiss

original wildlife paintings hares

Original Acrylic Painting | £4,950

Image size: 11" x 15.5” 

Framed size 23.5" x 29.5"

I photographed the two hares in this painting during a severe snow storm in March named the Beast from the East. Surprisingly, these hares were courting in the cold, whilst other wildlife was simply struggling to survive. I wanted to capture the concept of affection blossoming despite adversity.


Click here for more information and to buy.

Click here to read my blog post on watching these hares in snow. 



Leverets: Hidden Gems

original wildlife paintings

Original Oil Painting | Now Sold  
Image size: 12" x 8”

Framed size 18.25" x 14"

Hares often hide their young in the garden here at Fotherdale Farm. I found these two amidst the shrubs growing on the banks of the gallery car park. I waited for a long time to capture the secret moment when their mother returned at dusk to feed them. It was a very special experience.

Click here to read about the time I watched leverets in my car park 


Badger: On Duty At Dusk

original paintings of wildlife badger On Duty at Dusk | Click to Buy

Original Acrylic Painting |NOW SOLD

Image size: 18.5" x 13.5”

Framed size: 25 x 30.75"

This badger is a member of a family I visit nightly at their sett close to Fotherdale Farm. After 20 years of watching this particular badger clan I feel as though I know them all personally. This one is a female and has had a number of cubs over the years. I wanted this portrait to do her justice as she is such a gentle animal.

Click here for more information and to buy

Click here to read more on watching badgers in Thixendale 



Tree Sparrows: When The Bough Breaks

original paintings of wildlife tree sparrows

Original Acrylic Painting | Now Sold

Image size: 18.75"x 8.25"

Framed size: 29 x 19.25

This painting tells the story of how I built a haven for wildlife at Fotherdale Farm. There was just one pair of tree sparrows when I moved here. Now there are 35 breeding pairs. I let this branch grow out from my hawthorn hedge so the sparrows were perfectly composed when 19 perched on it at once.

Click here to read more about how I designed a wildlife haven at Fotherdale


Barn Owl-a-Hunting

Original Acrylic Painting | Now Sold

Image size: 29 "x 21.25”

Framed size 41" x 33.75”

Barn owls are my favourite birds of prey. They nest every year here at Fotherdale Farm and during difficult winters I put out food for them. In this paiting I wanted to capture the way a barn owl soars above grasslands on winter evenings.

Click here to read about the barn owls at Fotherdale and find out how I support barn owls across Yorkshire 



Badger: Curious Cub

original wildlife paintings badger cub Curious Cub | Click to buy

Original Acrylic Painting | £1,200
Image size: 4.5" x 7.25”

Framed size : 18" x 14.25"

This is portrait features one of the cubs I watch every evening near Fotherdale Farm. I wanted to capture the way it was overcome by curiousity as it explored the sett. I chose to compose its portrait by posing the cub as it looked cautiously round this tree trunk before heading off to explore.


Run Rabbit

original paintings of wildlife: stoat and rabbit Run Rabbit | Click to buy
Original Pencil Drawing | £2,900
Image size: 8" x 21.25”

Framed size: 18.5" x 31"

Stoats are very tenacious. As a boy growing up on a farm on the Yorkshire Wolds, I've watched them take on rabbits twice their size. Recently I have been studying a family of stoats in the garden at Fotherdale Farm and after again witnessing their fearlessness, I felt inspired to paint this scene from memory.

Click here for more information about this painting and to buy

Click here to read about the stoats at Fotherdale



Elephant Calf: Young Pretender

original paintings of wildlife elephant calf
Original Acrylic Painting | Now Sold
Image size: 11.5" x 12"

Framed size: 24.5" x 23.25"

Elephant calves are always so joyful. I have watched them over many years during trips to Kenya, Tanzania and Namibia and they always make me smile with their antics. I tried to capture this particular calf's enthusiast approach to life in this painting. In this composition it is running towards me in a mock charge.


Fox: Paws For Thought

original wildlife paintings fox Paws for thought | Click to buy

Original Pencil Sketch | £1,900
Image size: 10" x 8"

Framed size: 19.75" x 19"

Foxes regularly slip through a woodland I planted at Fotherdale Farm and it is always a joy to watch them. I made this pencil sketch after watching a vixen and her cubs in a suburban garden. Urban foxes are now very prevalent and compared to country foxes they are much easier to study. 


Click here for more information about this painting and to buy

Click here to read about my experience of watching this fox cub in a garden

Grebes: Family Ties

original wildlife paintings grebes Family Ties | Now Sold
Original Oil Painting | Now Sold

Image size: 12.25" x 17”

Framed size 20" x 25"

I love the way in which grebes carry their young on their backs.The chicks seem so small next to the adult birds. Grebe chicks can actually swim and dive from the moment they hatch, but their parents keep them close until they can fend for themselves.

Click here to learn more about how grebes parent

Peregrine of Salt End


original wildlife paintings peregrine

Original Oil Painting |NOW SOLD
Image size: 25.25" x 17.5"

Framed size 34.5" x 26.5"

The peregrine in this painting nests on a vast industrial site in Hull every year. I watched it as it flew between chimney stacks at Salt End Chemical Park on the Humber Estuary and followed its story as it raised its chicks in this formidable landscape. My film and photographs of this bird of prey featured on TV.

Click here to read my blog post on watching this industrial peregrine



Proud Peewit

original wildlife painting

Original Acrylic Painting | Now Sold
Image size: 5.5" x 10.25” 

Framed size: 15.25" x 20.75" 

Lapwings have beautiful iridescent feathers. I love the way that they catch the light. I spent a week watching the lapwing in this painting at its nest. It was nesting on land that had been set aside to protect lapwings. I was lucky enough to be there when the egg hatched. It was incredible to see the egg slowly break apart and the chick emerge, its feathers still damp. 


Hawfinch of Yorkshire Arboretum


original paintings ofwildlife hawfinch Hawfinch of Yorkshire Arboretum | Click to buy

Original Acrylic Painting | £4,250 
Image size: 18" x 13”

Framed size: 29" x 25"

I set up a fascinating project to study hawfinches at Yorkshire Arboretum over the winter of 2017/18. Hawfinches have a near-mythical status amongst birdwatchers since they are so difficult to watch in the wild. The photographs I took were the inspiration for this painting.


Click here for more information and to buy

Click here to read my blog post on watching hawfinches up close


Avocets: Perfect Pair

original painting of wildlife avocets Perfect Pair | Click to buy

Original Acrylic Painting | £5,450
Image size: 13.75" x 20.75"

Framed size: 23.5 " x 31.5"

Avocets are so graceful to paint. I love the symmetry of their black and white plumage. I set these two birds against a simple backdrop of blue water fading into the blue of the sky. I liked the way the curve of their beaks are juxtaposed against the curve of their necks in this composition.


Click here for more information about this painting.


Great Crested Grebe: Incubating


original wildlife painting grebe Incubating | Click to buy
Original Pencil & Acrylic Painting £2,950
Framed size: 20.5" x 22.75"

Image size: 10.5" x 12"

I watched this great crested grebe nest at York University. It was amazing to see just how relaxed it was just 10 metres from a busy footpath. It hatched three stripy chicks and took them out onto the main lake. But they kept coming back to the nest to rest and roost.

Click here for more information

Pheasants Flight

original wildlife paintings pheasants Pheasant flight | Click to buy

Original Acrylic Painting £8,950
Framed size: 40.5" x 31"

Image size: 29.5" x 19.5"

In this painting I wanted to capture the essence of the Yorkshire Wolds, with its criss-cross of dale sides and its abundant wildlife. I wanted to capture that moment when you turn a corner on a walk and come across a wonderful wildlife scene like this.


Click here for more information

Snow Patrol

original wildlife paintings pheasant Snow Patrol | Click to buy

Original Oil Painting | £6,950 
Framed size: 27.5" x 22"

Image size: 19" x 13.5"

I love to see pheasants strutting around over Christmas when their plumage is at its best. This one had been hiding in some grasses and rushed out as I approached. When it realised that I wasn't a threat, it held its tail aloft and marched off, keeping its beady eye on me!

Click here for more information

King Penguin Pair

original wildlife painting penguins Penguin Pair | Clck to buy
Original Acrylic Painting | £6,950
Framed size: 27" x 41 "

Image size: 15.5" x 30 "

I travelled to Antarctica in 2007 and saw the largest penguin colony at St Andrew's Bay with over 1/2 million penguins. But these two were from the smallest colony we visited - just 18 birds - on Saunders Island, Falkland Islands.


Click here for more information about this painting



King of Savute

Original Oil Painting | £8,950
Image size: 28" x 19"

Framed size: 37" x 27"

The title of this painting 'King of Savute' really sums up this magnificient painting of a male lion. I photographed this male in Botswana in 2000, and in my painting I wanted to capture the way it exuded power & presence.

Click here for more information on this painting




original wildlife paintings kingfisher
Original Acrylic Painting | £5,700
Image size: 14.25" x 21.5"

Framed size: 33" x 27"

I still have to finish the feathers along the back of this kingfisher and there is more detail to add to the claws and eye. These birds are so beautiful. I love the iridescence of their blue feathers.

Click here for more information and to buy

Otter and Cub

original wildlife painting otter

Original Oil Painting

Image size: 16.5" x 24”

Framed size: 31.5" x 24"

I still have to finish the background on this new painting. It was inspired after I spent this summer following an otter and her cub across a loch in the Scottish Highlands. I learned so much about how close they were. I was astounded when I got back to Fotherdale and noticed at otter slinking through the garden - we are at least two miles from the nearest large water source!



I hope you have enjoyed your exclusive preview of original wildlife paintings! My exhibition runs at my gallery in Thixendale until December 2nd. I'll be serving mulled wine and showing my photographs and short films of my wildlife sightings. I hope to see you there!

Don’t forget to get in touch if any of the paintings are of interest. Tel: 01759 368355 or email me on

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