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Wildlife Painting of the Week | Winter 2019 | Expressing The Season In Paint

Wildlife Painting of the Week | Winter 2019 | Expressing The Season In Paint

Wildlife Painting of the Week | Winter 2019 | Expressing The Season In Paint

Winter Wildlife In Paint

Follow the seasons with a painting a week

My selections this season celebrate the incredible way in which our wildlife copes with the cold. I've included original paintings along with choices from my fine art print collection.

Click here to see my spring art choices

February 27th 2019

Badgers: Two of a Kind

Wildlife Painting of the Week


badter wildlife painting of the week Original Acrylic Painting | Framed size: 26.75" x 23.5" | Image size: 18.5" x 13.5" | Shop Now


Badger cubs are born underground this month. These two badgers are members of the same clan. One is only a year old whilst the other is an adult female. I placed a number of twisted logs artfully around their sett so that when I photograph these badgers there they are perfectly posed against my props. I then paint directly from my photographs.


February 20th 2019

Long Tailed Tit on Catkins

Wildlife Painting of the Week



Catkins are a sure sign that spring has arrived and although we are still in February the trees are already festooned with these dangling pollen pods. In this painting, I chose to pose a solitary long tailed tit on a branch with a bunch of catkins tinkling below. The pinks of the bird pick up the rose hues in the catkins perfectly!


February 13th 2019

Hare Kiss

Wildlife Painting of the Week


wildlife painting of the week Original acrylic painting |Framed size: 23 1/2 x 29 1/2" | Image size: 19.75 x 12.75 "| Shop Now.


It is Valentine's Day tomorrow and so I thought this painting of two hare's tentatively touching noses was an appropriate choice for 'painting of the week'. Click here to read my blog post on how I watched these hares courting in extreme conditions and find out how I was inspired to paint the above after taking this photograph.


hares in snow


February 6th 2019

Roe Doe

Wildlife Painting of the Week


wildlife painting of the week Fine Art Print | Image size 30x21cm | Shop Now

Increasingly deer are venturing into towns and cities. Most love the notion of a 'Bambi in the back garden', but urban deer do alarm gardeners and motorists. It is important to explore ways of living alongside wildlife. I painted this roe doe after watching her in a cemetry in Glasgow. She was peering around a gravestone and I loved her serene expression.


January 30th 2019

Fox at Dawn

Wildlife Painting of the Week

wildlife painting of the week Fine Art Print | Image size: 30x21cm | Shop Now


At this time of year the nights resound with the eerie love calls of foxes. There are two typical calls, the raucous triple bark of the dominant dog fox as he proclaims his territory and the loud wailing scream of the vixen during mating. I came across this fox very early one morning after hearing fox screeches all night. I wanted to capture the way it met my eye slyly as it slunk around a tree trunk, as if I had caught it sneaking back home after a wild night out!


January 23rd 2019

Pheasant's Flight

Wildlife Painting of the Week


Wildife Photo of the Week Original Acrylic Painting | Framed size: 40.5 x 31" | Image size: 29.5 x 19.5" | £8,950.00 | Buy Now


In this painting I wanted to capture the essence of the Yorkshire Wolds, with its criss-cross of dale sides and abundant wildlife. I wanted to capture that moment when you turn a corner on a walk and come across a wonderful wildlife scene like this.


January 16th 2019

Goldcrest on Larch

Wildlife Painting of the Week


wildlife painting of the week Fine Art Print | Image size 23x15cm | Shop Now

Britain's smallest birds, goldcrests weigh just 5gs: no more than a teaspoon of sugar! These tiny birds are known in folklore as the King of Birds, although this may have more to do with their bright yellow crowns. Amazingly a large proportion of the UK's population is made up of migrants from Scandinavia. To think these tiny birds fly across the North Sea. Early ornithologists didn't believe they could and assumed they rode on the backs of woodcock!


January 9th 2019

Waxwings on Rowan

Wildlife Painting of the Week

wildlife painting of the week Fine Art Print | Image Size: 30x21cm | Shop Now

Look out for waxwings now, especially in shopping malls where they are often found gorging on ornamental shrubs planted in car parks. Their favourite are rowan berries. Waxwings get their name from the long glossy red tips to the feather shafts in the middle of their wing, which are supposed to look as though they’ve been dipped in wax.

Click here to read about the sighting that inspired this painting.


January 3rd 2019

Whooper Swans

Wildlife Painting of the Week


wildlife painting of the week

Inspired by a trip to Scotland's Cairngorm National Park, I finished this latest acrylic in the week before Christmas. These swans fly to Britain's shores each winter from Iceland or Greenland. I watched them on a mountain tarn high in the Cairngorm mountain range and suspect that they used the tarn as a stopover on their migration further south. This sighting was among a number of stunning wildlife encounters I experienced during a trip to Scotland last October.

Click here to read more about the wildlife of the Cairngorms and see more paintings inspired by the trip.


Enjoying this? Take a look at my 2018 choices for 'Painting of the Week' by clicking here:

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Click here for a weekly selection of the photographs behind my paintings: Wildlife Photo Of The Week

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Tryed link for My Paint Saint, said “no webb”. How do I find this item? Also, where did you purchase your drop cloths in the basket? Never seen these “colors, stripes”. Thank you. Love your post.

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