Film | Mealtimes in the Kingfisher Nest


Mealtimes in the kingfisher nest are a bit of a bun fight. Watch one chick hold its siblings back with its tiny wing stubs so it can be first to grab the fish dad brings in. 

Kingfisher Chicks

There are seven chicks in this nest and the adults work hard all day long to keep a constant supply of fish coming in.

Male VS Female

The male and female share roles although the female does the majority of brooding and the mail mainly hunting. Females are distinguishable from males by the fact that their lower bills are orange, like a stripe of lipstick.

Chicks Develop

Kingfisher chicks hatch out blind and featherless. Subscribe to my channel to be notified of my next film from this nest, when they grow their first feathers and begin their first flaps.

#kingfisher #birds #robertefuller #wildlives